Periodicals-Publishing and Printing in Vancouver Short Inspirational Stories
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Short Inspirational Stories

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

When I created the digital magazine APeeling I wanted to publish short inspirational stories of everyday people with solutions to help others create an appealing life, career, or business.

Over the last two years, I've published many short inspirational stories about people just like you overcoming hurdles in their lives. We all have stories where we endure suffering, learn a lesson, and come out the other side stronger for the experience. I've been in the darkest of places mentally and emotionally, where I'd kicked hope to the curb one too many times. When my daughter got mad at me and moved in with her brother, I thought I was going crazy.

If you want to share your inspirational story with APeeling readers or maybe just provide a quote on one of our articles about a topic, please fill out the opt-in form above to be notified about the topics, dates, and articles we are looking for stories or quotes for.

List of Short Inspirational Story on APeeled

Here is a list of short inspirational stories I've published in the APeeling Digital Magazine over time. Please share your thoughts in the comments and let me know whom you want to hear more about and if you know anyone who may be interested in sharing their story with us.

Short Inspirational Stories about Life

Be inspired to do the Impossible.

Cameron Chell's story is one of Hollywood based on inspiring true story movies. Two events changed the trajectory of his life and he shared them both with APeeling readers in the September 2020 issue. His story is one of extreme highs and extreme lows with an inspiring come back story. Read his short inspiring story to discover what happened and the lessons he learned about how to do the impossible.

How to Find Your Life’s Purpose

At 40, I needed to take stock of my life and find a new purpose because my life was about to be ripped apart leaving me with nothing to focus on but myself. When your purpose grows up and leaves the house it can suddenly feel like your life has ended. Finding my purpose lead me on a path I should of been on for the last thirty years but wasn't. Now I have to make up for lost time. Read one of my short inspiring stories to discover how to find your purpose.

How to Succeed as an Immigrant

Shakeel Bharmal takes our readers back to his childhood to tell the story of what his dad went through when he came to Canada and how he succeeded as an Immigrant. When you are forced to leave your country and re-establish yourself in a foreign land where your skills and certifications are not valued, it can be hard to start over. Learn what one immigrant learned about his father's journey.

Drowning in a Sea of Faces

Tom Broxham drowned when he was three and over his childhood, he almost drowned two more times. Once at 8 when the local bullies thought it was funny to push him under and then again at 13. After that he didn't go near the water. As you can imagine, that meant he missed out on fun while travelling. At 33 years old he decided to face his fear and learn how to swim.

Short Inspirational Stories about Business

Staying True to His Brand Values: Jordan Uytterhagen

In his twenties, with a wife, a newborn, and a toddler depending on his income, Jordan Uytterhagen did what most consider unthinkable, he left a secure job with a government agency to start Cadence Solutions an IT consultant firm. Read his short inspiring story to discover what he learned about taking risks, being responsible, and sticking with personal values no matter the cost.

Sex and Intimacy During Covid?

Just before the Covid lockdown, Julie Archambault, hosted an event about sex. You read that right, it was an event dedicated to S E X. Before your mind devolves into the world of online porn, not that type of sex. She is the author of “Sex Up Your Life” and intimacy coach. Everything was going great before Covid hit, she needed to pivot and help people without being in the room. Read her short inspirational story about pivoting her business.

Confessions of a Procrastinator

Jo was a professional procrastinator. She was good at it too. Then it caught up to her and she decided that the consequences were too high so she needed to change her ways. In her inspirational story she shares how she changed her bad habits and put her procrastinating ways behind her. Read the full story about how to stop procrastinating.

When Cameron Chell asks people why they are entrepreneurs. They answer - Money - Great answer. Money and security are incredibly important, but it’s not the true reason why you are putting in long hours and taking all the risks. It has to be about more than money. In this inspirational short story he shares how his why was reshaped over time from money to a purposeful why.

Does the Job Search Cause PTSD

In this inspirational short story, I share how looking for a job broke me down. The job search process is broken and for many who are skilled and capable, we are marginalized for one reason or other resulting in us becoming unemployable. Being unemployable isn't a bad thing, it just means that you are so skilled and hard working no one will hire you as an employee. They will hire you as a consultant, coach, and freelancer though. Read about how the job search process broke me down until I only had on choice left.

The Inconvenient Truth

At the end of 2019, I had no idea what to do. After a long demoralizing job search, which resulted in abject failure and a broken spirit, I’d moved into the world of self-employment. However, I was fooling myself. I basically went from trying to get employers to see my value to getting business owners to see my value, all while telling them, “I have no value.” I was not self-employed, I was unemployed, playing at business and I was out of time.

Business is Pivoting Due to Covid

Neil Pretty found out that his my voice, my words, my empathy and the power of my mind had value when he was in his 30s. As a serial solopreneur he was used to pivoting, creating something new and moving on. When Covid happened, he was once again faced with the reality of needing to Pivot his Business, discover how he did it.

MarketAPeel's Story Writing & Publishing Services

Many people who have suffered the set backs of life and found a better life want a place to share their stories to help others find the strength and hope to move forward. MarketAPeel helps people tell their inspirational stories by:

  1. Publishing short inspirational stories in APeeling Digital Magazine 1000 - 1500 words

  2. Offering a membership to help people write their stories and find support with others

  3. Providing Storytelling Coaching in group and one - on - one

  4. Daily Storytelling Show called BrandAPeel

  5. Ghost writing services for those too busy to write their stories

  6. Book layout and cover design services

  7. Independent publishing help

  8. Publishing you book for online sales

There are many ways MarketAPeel helps people just like you write their short inspirational stories and find inspiration to make it through another day.

Short Inspirational Stories about Relationships

Marriage or Divorce, Making a Tough Choice

Nina Thiara is a Divorce Coach who shared her story of discovery after her divorce. "It was my own personal journey of going through a divorce that made me passionate about helping other women gain clarity on whether they should leave or stay in a marriage that isn’t working." Deciding whether or not to leave a marriage is difficult because of the unknown, the feelings of failure, and shame of society and family. She now uses to help women make a difficult decision. Read her story about deciding to leave her marriage.

Brace for Impact: A Covid Domestic Abuse Story

A reader submitted her story anonymously. She wanted to write it to heal and share it to inspire others to have the courage to walk out the door. Her story: "I thought I had prepared myself for the worst of anything. I was always an independent being, resourceful, willing to learn, grow and develop into the best version of myself... But nobody prepares you for your own trauma. Nobody." Read her short inspiring story.

Another Anonymous submission who married to a psychological abuser for 20 years. Why did she stay so long? In this inspirational short story, the writer shares why she stayed so long and how even in the end, she didn't make the decision to leave. If you ever wanted to know why someone stays in an abusive Marriage, read this story.


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