APeeling Podcasting Magazine
Whats inside...

Articles about podcasting and brand storytelling. Tips, advice, and ideas to help you create an appealing life, career, business

Podcast episodes about podcasting, personal branding, marketing, careers, professions, and brand stories.

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APeeling Podcasting Digital Magazine Table of Contents
Topics Inside APeeling Digital Magazine - The Podcasting Issue
Podcasting: This section contains articles on why people follow podcasts, why they choose to listen to them in the first place, and BrandAPeel episodes about podcasting.
Personal Branding: This section contains stories and BrandAPeel podcast episodes about how to create a personal brand. Experts in this section talk about social media platforms, strategy, defining your brand story, and attracting the right audience.
Marketing: This section contains an article about why brand storytelling is the future of marketing, stories about experts and BrandAPeel episodes talking about how to market your brand in the digital world.
Writing: This section contains expert stories and podcast episodes about copywriting and creating content for your website.
Professionals and Careers: This section contains expert interviews and BrandAPeel podcast episodes about professionals, business, job search, career planning, and leadership.
Brand Stories: This section contains brand interviews and BrandAPeel podcast episodes about brand stories, how they got where they are, why they started, what they learned, and how they tell their brand stories to the marketplace.
The Articles in APeeling Podcasting Digital Magazine Table of Contents
Podcasts are easy to create and communities around podcasting have sprung up giving life to this form of brand storytelling. This medium is becoming more popular, and more people are jumping on the bandwagon with varying results. What makes some podcasts popular while others struggle to even get their mom to listen? I wanted to know so, I dove into the Information highway and asked people, “What makes a podcast good?” Also available as Why People Follow Podcasts on UnPeeled
Why People Choose to Listen to a Podcast
Now that I have well over 100 podcasts, I decided to figure out why people choose to listen to some podcasts and pass others by. Yes I know, it’s a little backwards but hey – at least I finally got to researching the podcast listener market and what catches their attention. I put out a query and received over 30 responses about what catches their attention.
What is a Personal Brand? It is you, your story, your image, and your reputation. The hardest part of creating a personal brand is knowing yourself well enough to be able to tell your story honestly, positively, and consistently. Once you know what to say, you will discover content everywhere you go.
5 Steps to go from Expert to Thought Leadership
Thought leader is an ‘Expert’ and leader in their industry whom others look up to. They are willing to share the lessons they’ve learned over the course of their life to inspire audiences. They are mentors, good communicators, and have credibility in their industry. Thought leaders have a responsibility to those who follow them because their advice can affect the life decisions of others, not just where they will go to eat. Thought leaders are in the role of being mentors and helping others to achieve success in their industries.
In January 2019, I had the opportunity to talk with Anthony Gruppo and when I did, I discovered a man who is unique and has a lot to teach the world about what it means to be a leader. In February 2019, we started on a ten-month journey to construct a book to help others learn the lessons he learned throughout his career. As we peeled back the layers of his story, I got to know a man whom I respect and admire. Also available as Anthony Gruppo UnPeeled on the UnPeeled Blog
The Everyday Hero Level 1 Webinar
In storytelling there are different types of heroes. The original hero created by ancient greek storytellers were Classic Heroes. They were bigger than life who were able to go up against unnatural foes and win. They are Ulysses, Jason, Odysseus, Hercules. Imagine if you told a story about yourself and came across as a Classical Archetype Hero. You’d face the most difficult of challenges and come out on top without even getting a scratch. Does this sound like someone you can relate to or trust?
Why Brand Storytelling is the Future of Marketing
“Why tell a brand story?” Brands need to tell stories to draw people in and captivate them. Studies show that our attention span is less than a goldfish, but this isn’t true. We have an attention span and can focus on things for longer than a New York minute. We just take a fraction of a second to determine if we want to pay attention to the thing in front of us, before moving onto the next interesting thing vying for our attention. With so many brands competing for eyeballs on a small screen, audiences have an infinite amount of content to cast aside when looking for something interesting. Due to marketers and advertisers using the same data to create their content and copying each other, it’s easy for people to swipe for the “NEXT” because we’ve seen it all before.
Businesses Who do the Right Thing
We hear a lot about entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. Men who started businesses and became industry leaders and captains of huge organizations. Yes, they did something impressive, they created industries through innovation and disruption, but does this make them the best business leaders, the types of people we should be looking to emulate? They are known as the best business leaders of their time. They hyper focused on a vision, and they are not swayed from it by other opportunities or ideas. They are usually men. They have a reputation of being hard to work for and demanding loyalty without returning it to others. They only care about their vision and little for those who make it happen, especially if they are just numbers on an excel sheet.
You know those people who knew what they wanted to be when they were 10? The ones who were hyper focused on their purpose in life and made it all look so easy? If you are anything like me, that is NOT what happened on your life’s journey. Most people live the life that found them instead of the one that filled them with a sense of purpose. Now, there is nothing wrong with working for the sake of a pay cheque so you can pay the mortgage and pay for your kid’s hockey or dance class. Your purpose isn’t always in your paying work. However, for those of you, like me, who want one purposeful life instead of a work / life balance, finding a way to make money while fulfilling your purpose is the holy grail.
The 100 BrandAPeel Podcast Episodes in 100 Days Story
Well, like most of what I do an idea pops into my head and I jump off the cliff to see what will happen - which is the OPPOSITE of what I recommend clients do. All it is costing me to test the market is time... and I don’t have a life beyond creating content and telling brand stories. For those who don’t have time and need to hire help to produce a podcast, you must first research what people want and how to position your brand into the market. Let me do the research of jumping in, talking to brand storytelling experts, and listening to what people are engaging with to discover what is going on out there. Then I’ll have the knowledge you need to be more successful in your efforts.
The Brand Stories Podcasting Magazine Table of Contents
The SERP Guy in Brand Storytelling
Jason Barnard, The SERP Brand Guy helps brands / companies and people manage their branded presence on Google... specifically for their audience when they google the name - he calls that result (which is your Google Business card) a Brand SERP. He works to understand how Google decides what to display on a Search Engine Results Page when a user searches a person's name or a brand name. Listen to the brand SERP guy's podcast interview.
Why People Choose to Listen to a Podcast
Yuval Ackerman is an Ethical email strategist and copywriter helps entrepreneurs and business owners to nurture a love-love relationship with their email list and subscribers.
What is a Personal Brand? It is you, your story, your image, and your reputation. The hardest part of creating a personal brand is knowing yourself well enough to be able to tell your story honestly, positively, and consistently. Once you know what to say, you will discover content everywhere you go.
5 Steps to go from Expert to Thought Leadership
Thought leader is an ‘Expert’ and leader in their industry whom others look up to. They are willing to share the lessons they’ve learned over the course of their life to inspire audiences. They are mentors, good communicators, and have credibility in their industry. Thought leaders have a responsibility to those who follow them because their advice can affect the life decisions of others, not just where they will go to eat. Thought leaders are in the role of being mentors and helping others to achieve success in their industries.
In January 2019, I had the opportunity to talk with Anthony Gruppo and when I did, I discovered a man who is unique and has a lot to teach the world about what it means to be a leader. In February 2019, we started on a ten-month journey to construct a book to help others learn the lessons he learned throughout his career. As we peeled back the layers of his story, I got to know a man whom I respect and admire. Also available as Anthony Gruppo UnPeeled on the UnPeeled Blog
The Everyday Hero Level 1 Webinar
In storytelling there are different types of heroes. The original hero created by ancient greek storytellers were Classic Heroes. They were bigger than life who were able to go up against unnatural foes and win. They are Ulysses, Jason, Odysseus, Hercules. Imagine if you told a story about yourself and came across as a Classical Archetype Hero. You’d face the most difficult of challenges and come out on top without even getting a scratch. Does this sound like someone you can relate to or trust?
Why Brand Storytelling is the Future of Marketing
“Why tell a brand story?” Brands need to tell stories to draw people in and captivate them. Studies show that our attention span is less than a goldfish, but this isn’t true. We have an attention span and can focus on things for longer than a New York minute. We just take a fraction of a second to determine if we want to pay attention to the thing in front of us, before moving onto the next interesting thing vying for our attention. With so many brands competing for eyeballs on a small screen, audiences have an infinite amount of content to cast aside when looking for something interesting. Due to marketers and advertisers using the same data to create their content and copying each other, it’s easy for people to swipe for the “NEXT” because we’ve seen it all before.
Businesses Who do the Right Thing
We hear a lot about entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. Men who started businesses and became industry leaders and captains of huge organizations. Yes, they did something impressive, they created industries through innovation and disruption, but does this make them the best business leaders, the types of people we should be looking to emulate? They are known as the best business leaders of their time. They hyper focused on a vision, and they are not swayed from it by other opportunities or ideas. They are usually men. They have a reputation of being hard to work for and demanding loyalty without returning it to others. They only care about their vision and little for those who make it happen, especially if they are just numbers on an excel sheet.
You know those people who knew what they wanted to be when they were 10? The ones who were hyper focused on their purpose in life and made it all look so easy? If you are anything like me, that is NOT what happened on your life’s journey. Most people live the life that found them instead of the one that filled them with a sense of purpose. Now, there is nothing wrong with working for the sake of a pay cheque so you can pay the mortgage and pay for your kid’s hockey or dance class. Your purpose isn’t always in your paying work. However, for those of you, like me, who want one purposeful life instead of a work / life balance, finding a way to make money while fulfilling your purpose is the holy grail.
The 100 BrandAPeel Podcast Episodes in 100 Days Story
Well, like most of what I do an idea pops into my head and I jump off the cliff to see what will happen - which is the OPPOSITE of what I recommend clients do. All it is costing me to test the market is time... and I don’t have a life beyond creating content and telling brand stories. For those who don’t have time and need to hire help to produce a podcast, you must first research what people want and how to position your brand into the market. Let me do the research of jumping in, talking to brand storytelling experts, and listening to what people are engaging with to discover what is going on out there. Then I’ll have the knowledge you need to be more successful in your efforts.