Do you talk to professionals, small business owners, and experts?
That's AWESOME - So do I.
Do you know people struggling to get known in their marketplace?
Introduce them to MarketAPeel's programs and products to help them get known in the marketplace and earn 20% commission for as long as they are a client.
MarketAPeel Affiliate Program Details
You earn 20% on all purchases on the website for as long as they are members.*
Earn commissions from all qualifying purchases, not just the products you advertised.
Whether you are a large network, content site, social media influencer or blogger, we have simple linking tools to meet your advertising needs and help you monetize
Included Items
It's free and easy to join.
Example of Potential Affiliate Income
How you can earn a passive income
Lead sent from an Affiliate Partner to purchase a MarketAPeel Custom Digital Magazine for their Brand Story:
12 Pages - 1 Issues - $3,000
20% Affiliate Commission: $600
12 Pages - 12 Issues - $2,400 per month
20% Affiliate Commission: $480 per month
Learn about the various Digital Magazine Pricing by clicking the button below:
Residual Income Opportunities
Other products an affiliate partner can earn a residual income from because MarketAPeel's affiliate program is truly a partnership as we pay for life of the client. As long as the client buys you will make money.
Take advantage of this lifetime commission structure at 20% - it is a launch offer and will be changed in the future but everyone who signs up during this launch promotion will be grandfathered when changes are made.
Monthly Memberships are priced at $20 and $99
giving you a monthly residual income
Learn more about the CreateAPeel Program, where you can earn a monthly residual income.
Training and Support
To ensure affiliate members are as successful as possible, they are given the opportunity to learn about the product and programs and given marketing resources and content to help them promote using their codes.

Is this Your Target Audience?
Professionals like Realtors, Lawyers, and Financial Planners
Manufacturing companies in need of catalogues
Large businesses with lots of employees
Networking groups, associations, and clubs
Podcasters, thought leaders, and speakers
Public corporations publishing quarterly reports
Anyone who needs to guide people through a brand story
This is the perfect affiliate product for you to make money
Ready to Start Earning Money Online?
Affiliate Marketing Guide

What is affiliate marketing?
There are a few answers to this question.
Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates digital publishers for traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.
It is a way for companies like mine to build a sales and marketing team without having to invest heavily before we have revenue. This way we are able to reward marketers / sales based on performance. This gives them freedom to create their own businesses and build a passive revenue as it grows.
Here at MarketAPeel we want to find affiliates who are true partners in our company. We will reward them significantly for bringing traffic, leads and customers to us. For example:
A lead comes in and buys a custom digital magazine for their brand story. The cheapest option for a one time purchase is $3,000 and we pay 20% - that transaction earns the affiliate partner $600. Then the client gets their digital magazine and are so thrilled with the results, they choose to have a monthly interactive digital magazine designed for their brand at $2,400 per month. The Affiliate partner earns $480 every month. Then the client decides they want more page or perhaps they want a different product, attend an event, or join a community - The affiliate partner will earn 20%.
Not bad for partnering with MarketAPeel and telling people about the products and why professionals, businesses, and thought leaders need to consider our products and services.
The goal of this model is to increase sales and create a win-win solution for both merchant and affiliate. The system is unique and profitable and becoming increasingly popular.
In the past there were bugs in the system and it wasn't always a great ROI, but now with improved technologies, companies have improved how they track and pay commissions to affiliates.
MarketAPeel uses goaffpro, a simple system that gives you a code to use and no matter what the lead buys, the commission is attributed to the affiliate. As well, we manually check the system to ensure you are getting commissions long after that first purchase and using a CRM to back up the data and ensure we know who referred each customer we get. That way, you can be assured that your residual income will continue for as long as the lead is a customer of MarketAPeel.
Those interested in pursuing affiliate marketing will benefit from understanding what's involved, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Companies seeking affiliates will benefit from properly vetting and qualifying their partners. Overall, it is a low-cost, effective way of advertising products and services, increasing brand awareness, and expanding a consumer base.
What’s the purpose of an affiliate program?
Statista wrote an industrial report stating they believe affiliate marketing spending will reach $8.2 billion by 2022, up from $5.4 billion recorded in 2017. Marketers surveyed by IAB UK agreed that affiliate marketing performs very highly for customer acquisition and ROI compared to other activities, ranking 7.83 and 7.6 out of 10, respectively.
Wirecutter, a consumer site owned by The New York Times, makes its income from affiliate commissions and subscriptions. Wirecutter’s affiliate income is part of the Times’ “other” revenue category, which generated $42.8 million revenue in the second quarter of 2021, up 8.7% from a year earlier.
At the end of 2020, the Times stated in a press release that other revenues decreased 12.1% in the fourth quarter, primarily as a result of lower revenues from live events and commercial printing. However, the declines were partially offset by higher Wirecutter affiliate referral revenues.
Ecommerce brands like Healthish use affiliate marketing to build brand awareness, launch products, and generate sales. When launching its keystone product, the WB-1 bottle, Healthish worked with Instagram influencers to create content and sell the bottle at scale.
How affiliate marketing works
Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platform, podcast, or website. The affiliate earns a commission each time someone makes a purchase through the unique affiliate link associated with their recommendation.
MarketAPeel's Affiliate Program works with you to ensure you get credit for future purchases your referral makes on the site.
Commission rates for affiliate sales vary depending on the company and the offer. On the low end, you’ll earn about 5% of the sale, but with some arrangements, you can earn as much as 50%, usually when promoting a class or event. There are also affiliate marketing programs that provide a flat rate per sale instead of a percentage.
MarketAPeel pays 20% commission on all purchases on the MarketAPeel Website and agency invoices.
Check out Affiliate Directories to find other affiliate programs to help you build an affiliate income.

Why Do Affiliate Marketing?
With different ways to make money online, why affiliate marketing… It is a residual income stream you can add to your existing content, networking, email, and other marketing campaigns. For example, a tourism company discovered many of their customers needed to buy mosquito repellant due to the little bugs ruining their vacations. So, the tourist company found a great product on Amazon and emailed customers the affiliate link recommending they buy some repellant before leaving on their vacation. They increased their revenue that year by almost $100K. Must have been a lot of mosquitos in the area.
If you sell digital marketing and your client is in need of content marketing, you can earn an affiliate commission if they choose our content creation services. On a large project, that is a nice chunk of change coming to your pocket book.
If you sell products to Realtors etc, by sending an email to introduce them to the customized multi-media digital magazine, you will earn easy revenue and your customers will be thrilled to stand out because their brand story is being showcased in a beautiful interactive digital magazine.
Easy To Get Started
Affiliate marketing is really open to anyone. There are ZERO requirements to getting started.
You don’t need any experience or any kind of degree. It’s also possible to get started with little to no money. So put simply, no matter your situation or background YOU can be successful at affiliate marketing.
You Don’t Need Stock
A way of making money online that people find appealing is selling your own products. You don’t have to worry about inventory, shipping, or customer support with affiliate marketing. Just spend time building your website and growing the marketing empire.
Earn A Passive Income
You have heard the sales pitch. “Earn money whilst you sleep”. With affiliate marketing this is possible.
Building a website that ranks and generates traffic all day long, means you make sales all day too! So you can earn commissions whilst you’re not directly working on your website.
Work From Anywhere
Fancy working on a beach? Or how about by the pool? With affiliate marketing you can do it anywhere!
All you need is an internet connection.
Fancy going away somewhere?
Grab your laptop, get on the plane and earn an income from anywhere.
Pros and cons of affiliate marketing
While industry growth is a good indication of success, entrepreneurs also take this referral marketing route for a few other reasons.
Low risk
Since there’s no cost to join affiliate programs, you can start making money with an established affiliate product or service without any upfront investment. Affiliate marketing also can generate relatively passive income through commission—the ideal money-making scenario. Though initially you’ll have to invest time creating traffic sources, your affiliate link can continue to deliver a steady paycheque
Easy to scale
Successful affiliate marketing offers the potential to significantly scale your earnings without hiring extra help. You can introduce new products to your current audience and build campaigns for additional products while your existing work continues to generate affiliate revenue in the background.
Affiliate marketing also has a few disadvantages compared to other types of marketing campaigns.
Requires patience
Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It requires time and patience to grow an audience and gain influence. You’ll want to test different channels to see which connect best with your audience. Research the most relevant and credible products to promote. Spend time blogging, publishing free content on social media, hosting virtual events, and doing other lead-generating activities on your marketing channels.
There’s no boss handing you a weekly paycheque as an affiliate marketer. Affiliate programs work on a commission basis, whether you’re paid by lead, click, or sale. Companies use a temporary browser cookie to track people’s actions from your content. When a desired action is taken by someone, you receive the payout.
No control over program
Affiliates must obey the rules set by a company for their program. You need to follow their guidelines for what you say and how you present their product or service. Competitors must follow the same recommendations, so you have to get creative to differentiate yourself from the crowd.

Types of affiliate marketing
Affiliates always carry a bit of mystery—you never know if the person has ever really used the product or if they are just promoting it for the money. Both cases still exist today.
It wasn’t until 2009 when renowned affiliate marketer Pat Flynn broke down the different types of affiliate marketers into three groups. Understanding these types of affiliate marketing can show you the different ways people make money online in this space, regardless of your moral compass.
Unattached affiliate marketing
The first type of affiliate marketing is referred to as “unattached,” or when you have no authority, skills, or expertise in the niche of the product you are advertising. As well, there is no connection between you and the customer who clicked the link to make a purchase. The lack of attachment to the potential customer and product absolves you, the affiliate, from the duty to recommend or advise.
Unattached affiliate marketing is attractive because you don’t need to do any legwork if you don’t have the time or desire to build relationships with either the affiliate or the customer.
If you are a blogger writing about how to do something and you mention a well known program, product, or service they can check out to help them, you'd use this type of affiliate marketing to hopefully catch someone at the buying moment in their customer journey.
Related affiliate marketing
Related affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting products and services you don’t use but that are related to your niche. As the affiliate, you have enough influence and expertise to generate traffic, and your level of authority makes you a trusted source however, you makes no claim about the use of the product or service. A related affiliate marketer also has influence, which makes them a trusted source for recommending products, even if they’ve never used them before.
While related affiliate marketing can generate more affiliate income, it comes with the risk of promoting something you’ve never tried before. It could be the worst product or service ever, and you wouldn’t even know. If you don’t have trust and transparency, it’ll be hard to build a sustainable affiliate marketing business.
Involved affiliate marketing
Involved affiliate marketing refers to only recommending products and services the affiliate marketer has used and truly believes in.
In this type of marketing, an affiliate marketer uses his or her influence to promote products and services that followers may actually need, instead of paying to get clicks on a banner ad. It takes more time to build this type of credibility with an audience, but it’s necessary for building a sustainable business.
On the other hand, because they're providing recommendations, their reputation may be compromised by any problems arising from the offering.
Examples of Affiliate Marketing
Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Amazon's affiliate marketing program, Amazon Associates, is one of the world's largest affiliate marketing programs. Creators, publishers, and bloggers use Amazon to showcase products and services on their platform and hopefully earn commission for their efforts.
I've been an affiliate of Amazon for over 14 years and I've earned all of $0.00. Now, I'm not a big affiliate marketer, I did give a real go 14 years ago with Amazon but I didn't see any revenue, so I quit. I use Amazon mainly to get the cover art on books I either review or the books my guests have written. Who knows, maybe one day I'll hook a sale this way. This is a good example of the unattached affiliate marketing type from above.
Since they are so big, Amazon sets strict criteria for affiliates. For example, sites must not contain replicated content from another site or creator and be available to the public. Platforms must not contain obscene or offensive content, promote violence or illegal acts, or contain any content deemed harmful to others.
In other words, as long as you aren't spammy, morally questionable, and you do update your site on a regular basis, you will be good to go with Amazon.
Approval is decided from a review of your application by Amazon staff. If your application is rejected, it will not be eligible for reconsideration. Once approved, commissions are earned as site visitors purchase products or services from Amazon.
Amazon Associates can earn up to 20% in commissions for qualified sales, not all products are included. As a bonus, Amazon offers special commissions on certain events.
Etsy Affiliate Marketing
Etsy is an interesting site where you can find all kinds of things from handmade goods, vintage items you'd find at a garage sale, and graphic designs put on items offered by drop shipping.
To apply, applicants must submit an online application through its affiliate program portal. As with most big brands, there is an approval process and criteria you need to meet. They are inundated with requests and due to the whole backlink SEO thing, it is important to them that the sites linking to them don't do them more harm than good.
Commission rates vary and are paid on the order price. Etsy sellers can be affiliates, but they cannot earn commissions on their products without special permission.
eBay Affiliate Marketing
eBay's affiliate marketing program pays partners for sharing their personal listings outside of eBay Inc. The affiliate earns a commission or credit. eBay partners can also earn commissions on other sellers' items.
Commissions are earned when a buyer bids on or immediately purchases an item within 24 hours of clicking the eBay purchase link on the affiliate's site. For submitted bids, the commission is paid if the buyer wins the auction within 10 days of the bid.
Commission rates depend on the category of items sold and range from 1%-4% with a max of $550 per sale.
Make sure you read the fine print.
How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?
Affiliate marketers get paid a commission for referring customers to companies where they make purchases.
These commissions can range from less than 1% to 20% or more, depending on the product and level of referral volume. For online campaigns, a customized link or referral code is used to track sales. In this sense, it is a source or passive income since the affiliate can continue to earn money once they have set up their campaign.
How to Earn Affiliate Commission
Affiliate marketing is a process you earn a commission by promoting a product or service using an affiliate link. The affiliate partner earns a commission from the purchase.
Most affiliate programs are usually free to join, so you don’t have to worry about high startup costs. Done right, an effective affiliate marketing strategy can go from side hustle to profitable online business idea by netting you a healthy income.
If you choose the right partners to be an affiliate of you can earn a decent commission for doing no more than recommending the product on your website, social media, or other broadcasting platform. MarketAPeel pays you 20% commission on anything they buy on the website for as long as they are members of MarketAPeel or agency | digital magazine publishing clients. All sales are done through BookAPeel to track your affiliate commission, which is paid to you via PayPal.
All transactions on the website are in Canadian Dollars.
What Is A Good Affiliate Commission?
A “good” affiliate commission is a generous reward or commission.
A good affiliate commission is a link that converts into a sale. So, a $10 commission could be classed as “good”. On the flip side, a $1,000 commission sounds great but if none convert, you make nothing.
Picking a product or service to write about or add to your content is an exercise in knowing what your community wants.
That’s why MarketAPeel likes to partner with affiliates whose audiences are coaches, Realtors, thought leaders, speakers, and small businesses looking for help.
If your audience needs to understand their brand better and tell the right brand story to the right audience - Then our programs would benefit your audience and make you residual income and money online.
If your audience needs to get known in their marketplace and want to build their brand authority and brand credibility, then our programs and platforms will benefit your audience and make you residual income.
If your audience wants to be seen as an expert or thought leader then our custom digital magazines will be of benefit to your people and make you big money online.
If your audience are corporate HR or marketing departments and need a custom digital magazine, a cool directory, digital catalogue or amazing digital brochure… MarketAPeel will make you some serious money online.
How Much Money Can You Make As an Affiliate Marketer?
Incomes for affiliate marketers vary, with some making a few hundred dollars and some making six figures. It depends on what is being marketed, how much influence the marketer has, the affiliate's reach, and how much time is invested in marketing products. Often, those spending more time marketing the company's products will earn more money.
Some high-ticket affiliate programs pay hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars per lead or sale.
Others offer a high percentage of the sale value for high-priced products or services, which could see affiliate marketers earn four figures from a single sale.
Some, like MarketAPeel, pay recurring commissions, to keep earning as long as the customer keeps paying.
How do affiliate marketers make money?
Affiliate marketing income spans a large spectrum. There are some affiliate marketers that will make a few hundred bucks per month and others that make six figures a year. The larger your following, the more money you can make as an affiliate marketer.
Compensation software company Payscale reports that the average annual salary of an affiliate marketer is over $53,000, based on over 7,000 salary profiles, with many affiliate marketers earning significantly more.
Can Beginners Do Affiliate Marketing?
Becoming successful through affiliate marketing takes time, skill, and experience. However, it may suit beginners a bit better than alternative platforms since you do not have to invest in physical merchandise or inventory at the start.
Can You Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money?
Yes, there are several free platforms and affiliate networks available for little or no money. Instead, you will need to big a large online following through efforts such as blogging, social media posting, and so on.
How Do I Become an Affiliate Marketer?
To become an affiliate marketer, consider what platform you will use to promote products and/or services. Blogs are an effective channel for advertising and promoting as it allows the blogger, serving as an expert, to express an opinion about the offering.
After identifying a platform, find a specific category that you are comfortable with or interested in. A focused segment can better help you attract a dedicated consumer base. Research affiliate programs and choose one or more based on your needs, whether it be earning high commissions or generating more traffic. Lastly, develop solid and interesting content around the offerings and work to increase traffic to your site.