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The Facebook Connector Brand Story

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

Jen Campbell a Personal Brand Strategist

She has cultivated a personal network to impact millions of people on social media through her personal brand. She has been recognized by Facebook for the work she’s done to build communities and differentiate their brands. She was hand chosen by Facebook as one of less than 100 small business owners and 200 Facebook Group Leaders in North America to attend the Facebook Community Summit in 2019. She was also invited and attended the Global Facebook Community Virtual Summit in 2020 and 2021. She was selected to work on a team representing 1 of 12 communities in North America as part of the Facebook Community Accelerator program in 2020. She was one of the first 1,000 people in the world to become a Certified Facebook Community Manager.

Where do you reside currently?

I live in the beautiful, mountain resort community of McCall, Idaho. I'm 2 hours from the nearest WalMart or McDonalds, but 0 minutes from nature.

Which industry do you work in?

Personal Branding - I specialize in social media and online branding

What is your professional role?

I'm a Personal Brand Strategist. I help entrepreneurs highlight the person in their personal brand for more impact, influence and income online.

What is your top personal value?

I value authenticity. Authenticity means I am who I am, no matter where I am. Whether it's on social media or in person, you're going to get the legit, enthusiastic, red lipstick wearin' Jen Campbell. Some of my favorite people, and most of my friends and followers on social media are people I've never met in real life. Once, I met a follower in person at a conference. I talked with him about how much I appreciated him reading and supporting me. He told me that I'm just the same in person as I am on social media, or when I write. He was grateful that I was " The Real Jen". I loved it!

What do you do when you aren't working?

In the summer. I love spending time outside trail running, soaking up sun on the lake, or hiking. I've completed triathlons, a marathon, trail race, and mother son 4 day backpacking adventure. My guilty pleasures are eating chocolate peanut butter ice cream, reading romance novels and relaxing in a hot bath. A few times, I've accomplished the relaxation trifecta of all 3 at once. I love the HEA (happily ever after) of romance novels. I read over 300 of them in 2021. It's a reminder to me that regardless of the challenges I face, there's hope for everything to turn out better than I imagined. Romance novels have taught me about telling a captivating story. Plus, I've learned escape tricks if I'm ever held captive by a broody Bratva or Mob boss with 6 pack abs.

What makes you unique?

I have 4 boys. The first 3 are teenage triplets, and Freshmen in high school. My bonus boy started middle school this year. They descend in the kitchen like a plague of locusts devouring all the food in sight. We have 2 refrigerators, 2 deep freezers, and a huge food pantry. They eat so much food! I'm grateful that my husband and I both like to cook, because we do a lot of it.

What do you love about what you do and how do you help others?

Every expert has a process or method they use. It's usually in their head, because it comes naturally to them. I help them identify and refine that methodology and build a story around it. When I help people to make more money doing what they love, it's a beautiful thing.

What is the number one goal you are trying to achieve in your professional life?

My personal and professional mission is to teach, uplift, encourage and inspire others.


Download Jen Campbell's Free Values for Personal Branding worksheet


What is the definition of the word brand?

Your personal brand is how you show up in person and online to show be people the good in you and what you do.

What is brand awareness and why is it important to the brand story?

If I can't see your brand and know what you stand for, and what's awesome about you, I'm not going to go out of my way to buy your widgets vs another widget vendor. People don't just buy what you do, they buy who you are. They buy into your brand.

Which platforms must a brand have in their digital footprint?

Brands need to show up where their ideal client audience is online. A social media platform, a sales platform, online communication platform (can be integrated into a website or social media account.) Brands need a website, landing page or somewhere to direct people to learn more about who they are, what they do, and their offers. Every brand needs at least a Facebook Page. There are over 2.3 billion Facebook users worldwide. 80% of adults check their Facebook profile pages at least once a week.

What one thing must you do on social media when telling a brand story?

Be the legit you on social media, not the Instagram filtered version of you and your life. Be authentic. You don't need to show people the hot mess version of you but give them the warm one. It makes you more relatable.

What is your favourite platform to tell a brand story and why?

I love Facebook. I've been able to impact and influence millions of people online without having millions of followers. I've built physical communities as well as virtual. There's a Facebook Community for everything and anything. I love being able to learn from and connect with people around the world who share my passions. In 2019, Meta (Facebook) flew me to their headquarters with 190 other virtual community leaders and small business owners. I've been able to build deep, and meaningful connections with other community leaders to make a bigger impact by influencing influencers who run communities around everything from financial advocacy for Black women to the Octonation (the world’s largest octopus fan club).

What is a common mistake you see brands making in the brand awareness part of their story?

A lot of brands don't know who their ideal client audience (ICA) is when they tell their story. Who needs to hear what you want to share? Knowing that shapes the intentional messaging, ideal platform, and method you deliver it to your audience. you've got to share it with the right people who will buy into it and buy your stuff. My 93-year-old grandma isn't on social media. If she's your ICA, she's not going to watch Tic Tok videos or Facebook ads no matter how awesome they are.

Which brand gets the brand awareness part right?

I love MooseJaw. They're both brick and mortar and online. They sell outdoor recreation clothing and gear. Their copy makes me laugh with puns, 90's references, and plenty of sass. MooseJaw connects what they sell with the experience/ transformation story you have using it. I when I read an ad, I feel like it's my friend talking with me. They reinforce the same messaging, and brand "voice" on every piece of content, and even their packaging. Plus, I smile more which is always a good thing. True Story.

About Jen Campbell, Personal Brand Specialist

She has dedicated over 35 years connecting with people through customer service and community building. She lives in a town with less than 4,000 year round residents, but impacts millions of people on social media through her personal brand.

She believes your personal brand is more than a logo, fonts, and colors. Your personal brand should highlight what makes you super unique, powerful, and authentically you. People will judge you and your business immediately online. It's important to brand you, before others do.

As a Personal Brand Strategist, Jen Campbell helps entrepreneurs launch ideal personal brands by positioning their expertise, refining their methodology, and creating a story to share it.

Where you can find Personal Brand Specialist, Jen Campbell

Social Media Links for Jen Campbell:

Facebook Business Page:




Follow Jen to learn more about creating a personal Brand


MarketAPeel helps professionals and businesses define their brands and tell them to the marketplace. To discover how MarketAPeel can help tell your story, click.

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