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How to Use Storyboards to Up Your MarketingGame

If you are a content producer, then you will most probably spend a significant portion of your

time planning for your next video to avoid reshooting scenes unnecessarily. This is where

storyboards come in handy because it allows you to prep your scenes beforehand (without the resources) so that when you are ready to shoot, you will have done the preliminary practice run, so to speak, so you're ready to roll with your video.

What is a storyboard exactly?

Storyboards are usually a graphic presentation of your scenes with scripts that go with each

scene so that you and your team can view and visualize what the 'story' is about beforehand.

Conceptually, storyboards allow you to commit to your vision in the beginning without needing to spend much money at all to do so.

The benefits of creating a storyboard for your video

There are many benefits associated with creating storyboards for your video. From a time and

resource perspective, you don't have to outlay the capital needed to shoot a video in its finality before you're ready to. As mentioned before, storyboards allow everyone to be on the same page when it comes to the vision of the video. It helps you stay within budget and can even encourage stakeholder buy-in if you are looking for a means to motivate your vision to the stakeholders in your company.

How to create a storyboard

Storyboards are relatively easy to create if you know what to start with and how to end your

sequence of events. First off, establish your marketing goals and how to achieve this with the

resources, time, and budget you have. As far as the process goes, this usually involves three

steps - creating an opening scene that paints a picture of the problem you're trying to solve for your audience, addressing the problem in the next scene (or a couple of scenes), and then

driving your marketing message home with a Call to Action that only you can solve.

You'll want to source the relevant images that will allow you to depict what your video will be in motion. Focus on prioritizing key scenes over secondary ones so you perfect the most important elements first.

Save on costs during the actual production

So your storyboards have set the stage for what is to come; the next part will involve producing your video, which will be based on your storyboards as a guide for what to do as each scene unfolds into the next.

Granted, this is where the real expenses involved in creating a video come in. Furthermore,

these costs can go up depending on how many scenes you have to take and even possibly redo due to circumstances beyond your control. You can save on costs in this area by using royaltyfree stock images instead of having to source these yourself, simply by subscribing to high quality HD videos online at an affordable premium.

Creating storyboards is definitely the way to go if you want to maximize your time and resources in the best possible way. Storyboards can also help make your video marketing strategy a winning one because you will have seen the end from the beginning, hopefully giving you the edge you need to succeed.

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