Not ready to write a whole book? Create an interactive digital magazine instead.
Your Own Magazine is a Customized Storytelling Experience
A digital flip book multi media experience - choose how many pages you want.
Each magazine package comes with:
- Professional Writer
- Professional Designer
- Featured Home Articles
- Interest Article
- Listing Pages
- Clickable Features (video, audio, photos, downloads)
- Realtor bio area (written by our professional writers)
- Lead form
- Downloadable checklist
- Email copy & image to send to your email lists
- Promo video and a Gif
- Social media content package
- MarketAPeel platform promotion
- APeeling Membership
- Article in other MarketAPeel magazine - APeeling
When you complete your first month purchase here, you will receive:
- A download to help you define your brand story.
- A link to a form to choose from different options to help our designer understand what you like.
- An email with a link to book a Zoom appointment with your Writer and Designer
Choose to either purchase 1 issue or a subscrition of 12 issues (20% off)
If you want quarterly issues - purchase one issue and use the Discount Code QuarterlyOption (You pay for the first quarter and are invoiced for the next 3 quarters)
Your Own Magazine
PrixÀ partir de 2 400,00$
Achat unique
3 000,00$
12 Issues a year
2 400,00$chaque mois pendant 12 mois