Il y a tellement de bruit en ligne que l'histoire de votre marque se perd dans la foule et est fracturée par les extraits sonores des médias sociaux. Un client potentiel ou un adepte des médias sociaux vous a-t-il déjà demandé : « Alors, qu'est-ce que tu fais réellement ? Vous avez un problème de storytelling de marque et le storytelling de marque est important pour le succès de votre entreprise.
YOU have a Brand Story to Tell and it's Time You told the right story to the right audience to guide people from
Narration de marque
Qu'est-ce que le storytelling de marque
La narration de marque est l'histoire que vous racontez sur votre marque, plus l'histoire que les autres racontent sur votre marque, ajoutée à la façon dont les autres perçoivent les comportements, les choix et les valeurs de votre entreprise. En d'autres termes, l'histoire de votre marque est votre réputation.
La narration de marque utilise la structure de l'histoire pour partager votre message avec votre public afin d'attirer des clients qui s'identifient à votre marque. Les conteurs se connectent avec le marché d'une marque à un niveau plus profond alors qu'ils tirent sur le cœur du public et allument un feu dans leur ventre. Nous avions l'habitude d'appeler l'approche publicité, mais ce terme est tellement Mad Men des années 50, nous avons créé un nouveau terme pour sonner à la mode et avant-gardiste. Les spécialistes du marketing et les annonceurs contemporains voudraient vous faire croire que la narration de marque est nouvelle, mais ce n'est pas le cas. Si vous avez déjà vu la publicité d'Apple de 1984 ou les publicités diffusées sur nos téléviseurs pendant la guerre du cola, vous savez que les annonceurs ont toujours raconté des histoires émotionnelles pour avoir un impact sur le public.
La différence ne réside pas dans l'idée de narration de marque, mais dans le rôle de la publicité dans le processus de narration de marque. Aujourd'hui, l'histoire n'est pas racontée d'une seule façon et les marques ne contrôlent pas le récit comme elles le faisaient à l'époque de la publicité. Maintenant, les marques font partie d'un dialogue sur qui elles sont et ce qu'elles offrent au marché, l'autre côté de la conversation est le client, qui a beaucoup à dire sur ce qu'une marque signifie pour lui. Les histoires de marque racontées dans le domaine numérique ont évolué à mesure que la technologie a changé et le processus continuera d'évoluer. Cependant, ne laissez pas le changement de nom vous tromper.
Les meilleures publicités et le marketing le plus percutant des 70 dernières années nous ont montré que les histoires ont un impact plus important dans les messages marketing et publicitaires que la méthode j'ai un accord pour vous. Comment pensez-vous qu'ils ont vendu de l'huile de serpent à tant de personnes sans méfiance dans le monde entier ? Ils leur ont raconté comment le produit fonctionnerait, comment il avait fonctionné et comment il allait fonctionner pour eux. Plus le conteur était bon, plus l'huile de serpent était vendue.
J'adore les publicités parce que ce sont des histoires courtes de 30 secondes. Tous ne sont pas bons, mais ceux qui ont bien raconté l'histoire resteront avec nous longtemps après leur campagne.
Dive Deeper into the Definition of Brand Storytelling
I've searched out the Internet, asked business owners, storytelling marketers, and professionals what brand storytelling is and how a brand can make an impact on their audience. There is more than you think to telling a brand story, this article will give you a general idea of what it is and what you need to do to tell your brand's story.
There are many pieces and parts that come together to tell a bigger brand story. It is easy for all those pieces to end up disconnected, fracturing the brand story and leaving audience members confused about what you do and how you can help them. This is why you need a larger strategy that brings in different marketing theory, processes, and platforms.
You need to bring in content marketing, social media marketing, digital marketing, email marketing, SMS marketing, advertising, publicity, SEO, and different platforms to guide audiences from awareness to advocacy.
If you want to dive deeper into your brand story and how to tell it to the right audience, keep reading and at the end I'll let you know where to find more information to help you tell your specific story and how to become known for a topic, idea, or area of thought.
Most brand storytellers don't know how to tell a brand story audiences can resonate with because they cast the brand in the role of hero and swap out plot for lists of information.
Discover more about the definition of Brand Storytelling
What is the definition of Brand?
One of the things many brand specialists tell me is people come to the to get a logo because they don’t understand what a branding is or what the definition of the word brand is. This is a deep dive into what branding is and what business owners need to know about creating a brand.
To me. A company is an independent entity. A person has a personality and so does a company. Like a person has values, so does a company. Like a person has a voice, so does a company. Like a person has an image, so does a company. The brand is the essence of the company and their interaction with the marketplace. Things like logos and websites are the clothes the brand wears, not the brand itself.
How the Experts Define Brand
Seth Godin’s definition of brand describes it as “a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, put together, impact a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
Marty Neumeier’s definition in his book Brand A-Z, where he defines every word associated with Branding. "A Brand is a customer's perception of a product service or company, a corporate reputation."
Discover more about the definition of branding.
Why Tell a Brand Story?
Brands need to tell stories to draw people in and captivate them. Studies show that our attention span is less than a goldfish, but this isn’t true. We have an attention span and can focus on things for longer than a New York minute. We just take a fraction of a second to determine if we want to pay attention to the thing in front of us, before moving onto the next interesting thing vying for our attention. With so many brands competing for eyeballs on a small screen, audiences have an infinite amount of content to cast aside when looking for something interesting. Discover what people are saying about why brand storytelling is the future
Do you want to learn more? Take the CreateAPeel Brand Storytelling Course
Brand Strategy
As branding guru Marty Neumeier says, a brand strategy is “a plan for the systematic development of brand in alignment with a business strategy.”
A brand strategy helps you understand who you are, what you do, and why people want to know you. The strategy is a map showing how you will tell people what you want to be known for.
At MarketAPeel, we peel the layers to get to the core of your story, the redefine it before putting the right layers back on to ensure you are telling the right story to the right audience.
After we’ve redefined your brand’s core meaning, we establish the brand’s guidelines to build bumpers along the information highway so your message is connected to the Brand’s core message. We don’t want to confuse your audience by telling them about some off in left field thing, which leaves them wondering what it is that you do.
The problem with bumpers and a set core message guideline, you can get board of telling the same stories over and over again until your audience screams - “Yeah I get it already move on.”
We ask questions to uncover stories you didn’t think of sharing. Those moments you forgot about but are relevant to your brand’s story. It is those moments that matter to our storytelling … not some blog post telling you about a topic, like brand strategy, to entice Google to make its way over to your website. - Like this one.
Depending on your brand, you may be able to personalise your brand so it tells stories your audience connects with. But that’s a different part of the brand storytelling story - so stay with me as I move through this huge topic to help you figure out what you want to be known for and how to get known for it.
Once we have those great personalised stories people like to engage with, we help you craft the stories to make them interesting. Ever hear someone tell you a story so full of details, you fell asleep with your eyes open and didn’t even realise they’d stopped talking. We don’t want you to be that brand, so we figure out what details to leave in, which to take out and how to structure it to hook them in.
Would you agree that people are visual and like to look at photos more than read the copy you painstakingly obsessed over?
Now comes the part you thought was branding, your image. The colours, logo, tagline, and artwork. We help you to identify which images will reflect your brand image and which ones will get you into hot water.
When it comes to your visual brand storytelling a picture really does say 1000 words and reflects your brand’s core identity. There are plenty of brands out there wearing masks and other facades - we believe your brand deserves to be known for who it is.
It’s time to get your brand out of the closet and into the spotlight and MarketAPeel is here to show you how to do just that!
If you want to get started on mapping out your own brand strategy, Lucidchart has easy to use tools to help you.
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How Marketing tells Business Stories
Brand storytelling for businesses is content marketing and encompasses:
Branding: The brand is the identity and image of the business. Branding tells business stories by defining the business' values, determining its image, voice, and persona. The character development happens in the definition of the brand.
Blogs: The bloggers tell personal brand stories and business stories by writing articles on a regular basis and posting them onto a website or blog site.
Books: Publishers who help professionals and experts write and publish their books tell an in depth story about why they are an expert in their field or a thought leader in their industry.
e-Books and Digital Magazines: Brands who don't want to sell a whole book of content and would rather send audiences content on a regular basis can create e-books and digital magazines.
Copywriting: The copywriters tell the business story with the objective of getting buy in and advertising the brand as the best solution to a problem.
Content Marketing: The content marketers tell a brand story by creating multi media content and posting it on a variety of platforms to drive traffic from one stage of the funnel to the next one.
Personal Branding: People who tell their stories online to create a name for themselves as either influencers, experts, or thought leaders. Professionals create a personal brand to build trust as the provider of choice in the marketplace.
Pitches: Whether it is a sales pitch or a pitch to investors the presentation needs to tell a story that the audience will be interested in so they will want to either buy or invest by the end.
Podcasting: Either a business can create a show to build a following for their brand or an individual can build their own brand by consistently producing episodes of their show. People who are guests on podcasts increase brand awareness.
SEO: Search engine optimizers research results to find out what people are searching for, what they want to know about and then manage the project to ensure the content is there and the site follows the SEO best practices.
Social Media Marketing: These platforms enable businesses and individuals to create sound bites of their stories and tell them to the marketplace with daily postings.
Webinars and Events: Events enable brands to talk to people who are interested in what they do and what they have to tell them. Many events teach audiences something and help them to learn how to transition to what they want.
Le brand storytelling est du marketing de contenu
Les créateurs de contenu, comme Shannon Peel de MarketAPeel, racontent des histoires en utilisant différents médias pour s'assurer qu'ils s'adressent à leur public de la manière que leur public préfère. Certaines personnes aiment regarder des vidéos, d'autres aiment lire des copies, la plupart apprécient les histoires que les photos nous racontent, puis il y a des infographies pour nous guider à travers une représentation visuelle d'une histoire. En adoptant une approche de création de contenu multimédia pour la narration de votre marque, vous êtes en mesure d'atteindre les gens là où ils veulent être, de le mélanger pour éviter de devenir répétitif et d'avoir un impact plus important en faisant correspondre l'histoire au bon média de contenu.
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Why Brand Story Marketing Works
Using brand storytelling in marketing works because it cuts through the noise by connecting with audiences on a personal level.
In personal brand storytelling audiences find you because they like your story
In business brand storytelling you find audiences and tell their story to them
You tell the audience their story and how your business can solve their problem by telling them a story that gets them to re-experience the problem and see the solution - your solution to their problem.
The indices (details) of the story enable people to interpret the meaning of the story by relating their experiences with the story being told. Indices are the details people can relate to. This is why knowing which details to include in the story is important to ensure you are attracting the right audience and connecting with them.
Let’s say I was writing for a company and they wanted their audience to be filled with 30 something single mothers, I’d add details specific to their situation and experiences to ensure they related with the story and other people didn’t. I’d add sounds of kids playing, or maybe whining for ice cream, set up the sprinkler in the back yard. Probably something about so much to do around the house even though it’s hot and they are tired. Probably wishing there was someone else who could mow the lawn as they sat drinking a cold beverage. Now, I have more indices to qualify the audience and I want to go out and tell stories about that experience because my client sells lawn care services.
Knowing the audience is important because the more focused the audience, the more common threads you can identify, the more details you can add to enhance the story and you can draw the individuals deeper into the story.
Listen to the full story of how to market to audiences using business brand storytelling structure - click the image.
Vous vous sentez submergé par l'énormité de raconter l'histoire de votre marque en ligne ? Vous n'êtes pas seul, beaucoup de gens ne font rien parce qu'ils ne savent pas quoi faire ou qu'ils ont abandonné parce qu'il n'y a eu aucun résultat dans leurs efforts de narration de marque. En matière de marketing de contenu ou de narration de marque, les gens sont tellement inondés de contenu qu'ils ne savent pas par où commencer. C'est pourquoi j'ai créé un programme pour aider les gens comme vous à construire une base solide pour vos campagnes de marketing de contenu et à construire votre marque une histoire à la fois.
Citations de narration de marque
« Nous sommes tous des conteurs. Nous vivons tous dans un réseau d'histoires. Il n'y a pas de lien plus fort entre les gens que la narration.
— Jimmy Neil Smith, directeur du Centre international de narration
"Nous ne serions rien sans notre histoire."
–Richard Branson.
'Un bon vendeur sait raconter une histoire dont le produit est le héros.'
– Peter Guber, président-directeur général de Mandalay Entertainment.
« Si vos histoires concernent uniquement vos produits et services, ce n'est pas de la narration. C'est une brochure. Donnez-vous la permission de rendre l'histoire plus grande.
— Jay Baer, conférencier renommé, auteur, expert en marketing
"Chaque entreprise a une histoire à raconter."
— Jay Baer, conférencier renommé, auteur, expert en marketing
An SEO Guide
Before You Create Your Brand Story Content-
In the case of a transactional website, more traffic does not necessarily mean better results. When the wrong people show up on your website, their behaviours could adversely affect your sites search engine ranking (SEO) by increasing bounce rates and decreasing the average time on your site. It is more advantageous to have less traffic that will stick around, explore, and convert by completing the transaction. To determine the best way to get the right people to your website, I asked people who actively work on improving website metrics and create content for their companies, here’s what they said.
The Before you Create Content List
Research your competitions content
Determine how your audience talks
Know questions people ask
How people use the Internet
What topics are people searching
Create a content plan based on keywords
Determine channels, PPC, Social, SEO
Install a heat map on your site’s pages
Find Influencers to work with
Give a survey to find the platforms they use
Know where your touch points are
Read the Advice from over 70 SEO, brand storytelling & Content creating experts or listen to the podcast
How to Write Good SEO Content
Let's face it, the reason you are reading this is you want to get more traffic to your website by writing the right content. When it comes to writing your brand story on your website, you need to consider SEO keywords. By choosing keywords you want to be known for, you will be able to tell a more concise brand story.
I was quoted in that will give you 9 tips on how to write blog content that converts. click the link to learn more.
The BrandAPeel: Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age
Learning about SEO to Rank for
"Brand Storytelling"
To know what to write about, you need to know which words people are typing into the search engines and that takes research. I started studying SEO back in 2005 by taking the Moz courses and following Rand Fishkin. Over the years, I'd dip a toe back into the SEO waters to learn how Google changed the rules to improve searchers experiences and to penalise those who tried to game the system. With every major update two things consistently remained of top importance – Keywords and Backlinks.
Sitting here in my bubble overlooking downtown Vancouver, I couldn’t even start to guess which words people were typing to find people who created content to tell brand stories, let alone if anyone was searching. Which words would bring me the traffic I needed to obtain clients who wanted their own digital magazines and readers for those magazines?
The Answer is Keyword Research.
Back in 2005, was the only game in town when it came to understanding SEO and which keywords mattered to people. Now there are lots of different sites providing limited research results for zero dollars and in-depth results for a monthly SaaS fee. Each system has its own strengths, ranking systems, and features.
Thanks to these tools I felt I had a good understanding of backlinks and where to go to find out how I could get a backlink on a quality site. It also gave me the ability to check the Domain Authority of a site before adding my site to ensure I was protecting my Domain Authority Ranking. After all, if I suddenly was blacklisted or finding my ranking slipping because of being listed on high spam, low ranked, sites, it would be devastating. I’m putting in hours of work in research, writing, publishing, linking, applying, searching, and more. The last thing I want to do is blow it up with a bomb because I blindly added my website to whichever site I could find.
This is why it is so important to be careful about whom you hire to get you backlinks. The guy may be cheap, but does he know what he’s doing? Ask questions before you hire to make sure they are putting you on reputable sites and not just on their own spam sites.
I have a client who has a number of new platforms with low Domain Authority due to the newness of the domains and the lack of content. One of their platforms is an online directory with a domain authority of 3 and they are getting significant sign ups from previously unknown businesses. The only reason I can uncover is a paid for backlinks SEO company found the site and are systematically adding all their clients to this low ranked site. This is a sign of a person who doesn't know what they are doing.
Another example of SEO paid for backlinks is the sudden amount of spam my personal page's forum received, driving up the short term domain authority, which of course fell once the spam rate of the site began to rise. I didn't have time to manage the site and in the end took the domain down off it and froze the forum until I can rebuild the site.
Read full article about SEO: Writing to Rank for the Keyword Brand Storytelling