Periodicals-Publishing and Printing in Vancouver Speaker, author, brand storyteller | MarketAPeel
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Shannon Peel

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Brand Storyteller, podcaster, blogger, content creator, event photographer, speaker, and novelist

Shannon Peel is the creative force behind the MarketAPeel Brand.  She works from her home office overlooking life in Downtown Vancouver, BC Canada. She is passionate about stories and how to they connect people and exploring why people make the choices they make. People describe her as intelligent, quick witted, and creative, all things she takes pride in as she values intelligent thought and solution based productivity. MarketAPeel reflects her values and vision.

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Shannon's articles have been published on

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To see other publications Shannon has written for or quoted by journalists, click "Press"button

Topics Shannon Peel Speaks On

Using storytelling to break down barriers, build trust, and empathy.

Communication between leaders and their teams can be improved with the most important aspects of storytelling - active listening and interviewing. The best storytellers know how to listen so they can understand their audiences and ask the right questions to draw out stories from others. Stories remove barriers, bridge gaps, and increase empathy enabling you to build diverse teams. Leaders who use storytelling skill become better storytellers and form better relationships with team members by raising the understanding of everyone’s points of view.

Heroes and villains: Which type of leader are you?

In stories there are leaders, a leader of the good guys and a leader of the bad ones. A hero leader and a villain leader at odds with each other, fight it out until one comes out victorious. What can we learn about how leaders of these two groups motivate, communicate, and lead?


We love a good hero - villain match up and want the good guys to win, what is it about the hero that we resonate with and want to be like? Why do we want to buy the Omega watch Bond wears? Why do kids want to dress up like superheroes? Why do these stories span generations? This presentation takes a deep dive into the qualities shared by heroes who lead the good guy team juxtaposed with their evil counterparts and the lessons we can learn from both camps.

Brands, social movements, and vulnerability

Waves of social movements gain popularity on social media and some brands have embraced these movements and have either shown their vulnerable side or their vulnerability. How can a brand tell a story of vulnerability without becoming vulnerable themselves? Audiences will learn how brands successfully added their voice to these movements to redefine their ideal customer and how some became vulnerable to backlash by the emotionally charged group. This presentation looks at how a brand can tell a vulnerable story without becoming vulnerable themselves.


Know what you want to be known for before telling your story

This presentation dives deep into knowing who we are and how we communicate who our brand is and how it can help our customers. By knowing ourselves we can reduce fracturing of our brand stories online and stay consistent in our messaging. When we don’t know what our over reaching story is, we risk losing our customers along their journey. Audiences will learn how to define their brand, choose their keywords, and craft content for a consistent brand story.


Connect with your customer on their journey

Customer’s have a buyers journey and brands need to understand what that journey looks like so they can meet them along the path to their purchase. How can a business know what that journey looks like and ensure they are telling the right stories at the right time? This presentation strives to answer this question for audiences.

Changing our narrative from victim language to hero language

Life's traumas can leave us casting ourselves as the victim in our stories instead of its hero and making it hard for us to heal and rise above our situation. In this presentation audiences learn the difference between victim and hero language to help them rewrite their narrative and start on the road to recovery. When we rewrite our narrative using hero language we learn how to look at our trauma's from different points of view and take ownership of our story as heroes. 

Podcast Host

Shannon Peel is the Host of the BrandAPeel Podcast

Shannon Peel is often quoted by other writers

Shannon's articles have been published on

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In the Press

Shannon Peel's Speaking Engagements 

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Speaking on Brand Storytelling

Are you looking for a dynamic speaker to talk to your audience about Brand Storytelling? Other topics 

Brand Storytelling, what, why, and hows
How to craft a values-based brand story to attract the right audience
Mapping out your digital footprint to guide audiences from Awareness to Advocacy
What I learned about podcasting by posting 100 episodes in 100 days

How you structure a personal brand story is structurally different from a Business Brand Story
Knowing the deeper meaning of your core values and telling stories reflecting them, builds trust
Mapping out the customer journey through the marketing funnel ensure you can fill the gaps in your brand story

Podcast Guest

Shannon Peel

Shannon Peel

Shannon Peel
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Experiential Storytelling Workshop

Experiential Storytelling Workshop

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Shannon villain hero

Shannon villain hero

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Show Your Story

Show Your Story

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Brand Story Articles Written by Shannon Peel

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What's a Hero?

What's a Hero?

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