Periodicals-Publishing and Printing in Vancouver APEELING DIGITAL MAGAZINE | Free Subscription | MarketAPeel
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Magazine Peeling

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The APeeling Digital Magazine is a multimedia digital e-book experience. Each issue is filled with brand stories, personal stories, and stories to help you create an appealing life, career, and business. APeeling stories can also be found on the UnPeeled Blog along with interviews with business owners, professionals, and thought leaders. If you want to have a Q & A style interview of your brand story, click here to become a MareketAPeel Member to access the interview form.  APeeling stories are written by Shannon Peel or CreateAPeel members. (become a CreateAPeel Member)

APeeling is a different kind of magazine because it is designed for the digital world and how people consume content on a digital device. Which means you can read it and there are links, videos, audio, and embedded items like polls, surveys, and forms. MarketAPeel publishes interactive online magazines for brands who want to stand out in the marketplace and connect with their audiences.  If you want your own custom branded digital magazine, contact Shannon to discuss. 

Why is APeeling Spelled Wrong? 

The right way to spell the word is appealing and it has multiple meanings. In the legal world it means that you want a court to reconsider a previous ruling for or against you, usually against you, in hopes of a better outcome. The most common definition is to attract or be liked by someone - to be appealing is to have an allure to others so they will want to choose you, follow you, or trust you. 

APeeling means to create a story others find interesting and alluring. To have a personal or business brand that other people want to know more about, follow, and be apart of because it is alluring, interesting, and speaks to them on an emotional level. 

The APeeling digital magazine publishes real stories by real people with real solutions to creating an appealing life, career, or business. It's about finding solutions and ideas in the stories that are published inside the pages of this multimedia digital experience and then dive deeper into the concepts to find your special brand story. 

We are all unique. We all have stories. We all crave story to help us escape from life, experience something extraordinary, and to understand the world around us. This is why brand storytelling is so important to all marketing strategies. Learn how to tell your brand story to attract the right audience to your profile, business, network.  It starts with APeeling. 

Who can Contribute Stories to the APeeling Digital Magazine? 

APeeling contributors are CreateAPeel members. CreateAPeel members have lots of benefits here at MarketAPeel to help them learn how to tell their brand stories, dive into there personal details to craft unique stories to attract the right audiences, and brand story coaching to help them achieve their goals and take their brands to the next level. 

Have a Question about the APeeling Digital Magazine?

Ask Shannon - 

Lire les anciens numéros

APeeling Banner3_edited_edited.jpg

APEELING Decisions

APeeling decisions is filled with stories about how to make a decision, how people made decisions and why brands made the decisions they did. If you have a decision to make, then this issue is for you.

Better Family life and relationship APeeling Digital Magazine


Les histoires d'APeeling in May se concentrent sur le changement et sur la façon de guérir lorsque le changement n'est pas positif. Les articles incluent 5 étapes vers la guérison, la mort par BS, le changement est difficile, le démarrage d'une nouvelle entreprise et les mythes du marketing. 

Apple Peel - Cover Digital Magazine - Life could be better


Les histoires d'APeeling in January se concentrent sur la nouvelle année et son objectif renouvelé. Les articles incluent : Vivre le but de votre vie. Ressentez-le pour le guérir. Merci Corona Virus, les équipes ont besoin de franchise, de conseils de vente et de planification d'entreprise 

Heartshaped apple - cover digital magazine creating appealing life as a single person relationships marriage


Les histoires d'APeeling in February se concentrent sur les relations, l'amour et le célibat. Les articles incluent: Célibataire pendant Covid, Route vers la gentillesse, Drapeaux rouges des escroqueries de rencontres en ligne, Sexe et intimité  

Apple with a heart - summer APeeling Digital Magazine


APeeling in Summer regorge d'histoires. Histoires sur l'image de marque personnelle, l'intégrité, le leadership, l'entrepreneuriat, les idées de contenu, les documents imprimés, la connaissance de votre public, la planification Covid, les conversations raciales, redonner, être parent d'un perfectionniste, voir l'extraordinaire dans l'ordinaire. 

Red Apple Peel September APeeling Digital Magazine


APeling en septembre est rempli d'histoires sur le fait de devenir PDG, les conséquences du 11 septembre pour une personne, la journalisation, la vie de nomade, la réussite dans la lutte, la responsabilité et les conseils sur les réseaux sociaux. Il regorge d'histoires pour vous aider à trouver des solutions pour la vie et le travail. 

Apples and Cinnemon sticks - Cover of APeeling Digital Magazine

ÉPAISANT  En octobre

APeling en octobre est rempli d'histoires sur la recherche de quelque chose et d'idées sur la façon d'atteindre le succès que vous recherchez. Découvrir nos racines, les préjugés à surveiller, l'état d'esprit de croissance, faire le travail et se fixer des objectifs.  

Two Apples - hiding behind a mask - Cover of Digital Magazine

ÉPAISANT  En novembre

Les histoires d'APeeling in November se concentrent sur la peur, qu'est-ce que c'est et comment la surmonter. Les articles incluent le fait de critiquer les autres qui causent la peur, de mener une crise, là où la peur appartient, et de vivre dans un monde rempli de peur. Novembre est le Mois de la sensibilisation à la violence familiale au Canada et une section d'histoires porte sur la violence. 

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